Saturday, February 4, 2012

Uploading Images to a Blog

There are two wonderful options for displaying an image on a blog. The first option is to upload the image directly to Blogger by clicking on the "insert image" link, browsing your computer for the file you wish to upload, and saving it to Blogger. The main advantage of this approach is that it is the fastest way to upload a image to one's blog. The main disadvantage is that it may "eat" up a lot of bandwidth or space on one's blog, depending upon the amount and size of the pictures used.

The second option is to upload an image to Flickr, edit it using Flickr tools, obtain the HTML code for the image from the Flickr site, and then embed it into the HTML text box of one's blog. The main advantage of this approach is that Flickr provides users with photo editing and resizing tools and allows users to organize their images by creating tags and descriptions. The main disadvantage is that this process is generally slower than simply uploading an image directly to Blogger. In addition, the correct visual display of the image depends on Flickr's site status.

Below is an example of a photo of singer/song writer Kris Allen embedded from my Flickr:


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