Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The 2012 Grammys: Highs and Lows

I think that most would agree that the Grammys live broadcast each year is either a HIT or a MISS. Sometimes the show reflects the year's best musical talents and the live performances live up to the hype. Other times, the show seems to cater to a few select musicians (some of whom the audience has never even heard of) and the performances fall horribly flat.

So where did this year's Grammys rate? In my opinion, somewhere between HIT and MISS. Let's agree to call it a HISS, shall we?

The Highs:
  • Jennifer Hudson's moving tribute to Whitney Houston
  • Adele's powerful rendition of her hit Rolling in the Deep and her sweep of several Grammy awards
  • Kelly Clarkson's strong assertion of feminine strength and confidence in What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger

Hudson performing Houston's I Will Always Love You

The Lows:
  • Nicki Minaj - from Red Carpet  to Grammy stage. Seriously...what was that debacle?
  • Katy Perry's less-than-stellar performance against the backdrop of muscled men and shooting flames
  • Lady Gaga's outfit (but I'll get her a bit of a break here because is it even possible to top a dress made entirely of meat, or a human-size egg?)

Hail Lady Gaga?

Nicki Minaj performing - We held our ears, too!

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