Thursday, February 23, 2012

Computer Security

What is computer security and how can you ensure security of your computer and data contained in it? 

Computer security refers to the protection of individual computers and the information contained on them in an effort to safeguard data from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, destruction, modification, or disruption (Mutula & Wamukoya, 2007, p. 293). Such threats to computer security often come in the form of Malware or disruptive, "hacker" programs including viruses, worms, spyware and "scareware" - all of which cause direct harm to one's computer and, quite possibly, harm to outside computers as the infection spreads through downloads, networks, etc.

Computers have become virtually indispensable in today's world. Business purposes aside, we use our home computers for everything: banking, shopping, scheduling, communicating, filing taxes, playing games, watching movies...the list is never-ending. We have become extremely dependent on computers and their abilities to carry out daily tasks. As a result, we must make every effort possible to protect our computers and the important data they contain.

Several computer analysts argue that computer security should focus on three key areas: confidentiality, integrity, and authentication. Users can take precautions and protect the data on their computers by practicing the following tips:

  1. Use anti-virus software: All computer users should install some sort of anti-virus software on their computers (the more popular types include Norton AntiVirus and McAfee). However, individuals should not stop there. They must actively ensure that their anti-virus software is up-to-date and should schedule weekly scans of their hard drives to ensure data protection.
  2. Install firewalls: Ensuring that your computer has a firewall established and running will help protect your data from hackers looking to crash your computer or steal your personal information. 
  3. Use anti-spyware software: Like computer viruses, spyware poses a tremendous threat to the security of data contained on a computer. Some types of spyware are designed to collect personal information from the unknowing computer user, while others are designed to infiltrate individuals' computers with annoying pop-up advertisements.
  4. Download responsibly: Computer users should never download files or media from suspicious websites or unfamiliar senders. This includes email! 
  5. Create clever passwords and keep them confidential: Never share your password with another person. Use a unique combination of letters, numbers, and symbols that will be difficult for others to guess. Change your password often and remain aware of email scams that ask you for your secure password to a particular site.

Computer security is a very real issue in today's society that could potentially cripple society if left unmonitored. Adhering to the tips above will help individuals computer users protect the security of their personal data, and ensure that confidential information does not fall into the wrong hands.

For more information regarding computer security, please visit:

Also, check out the video below:

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