Thursday, February 9, 2012

Google Search vs. Delicious Seach

Admittedly, whenever I need to search for new articles, pictures, current events, etc., my fingers automatically type in the same six same letters: G-O-O-G-L-E.

Google has been my standby search engine for as long as I can remember. Its popularity has even made it into a cool new verb (i.e. "Let's google it!"). Can you imagine doing the same for an alternative search engine such as Delicious,which consists of social bookmarking sites. "Let's delicious it!" just does not have the same kind of feeling.

Let's compare the two. Say we were searching for sites and articles related to Madonna's performance at the Superbowl. We would thus enter Madonna AND Superbowl into each respective search engine. This is what we would find.

- Google returned a total of 437,000,00 results.

- Delicious returned a total of 125 results.

- Comparing the results on the first page of each search engine, none of them were identical.

- I would argue that, in this case, the results that Google returned seemed to be more reliable and more useful. Google returned a variety of results including news articles, videos, and reviews. Delicious, on the other hand, returned more opinionated types of results including blogs, Twitter tweets, and photos.

-I would also argue that, in this case, Google's results seemed to be more current (at least on the first couple of pages which included timely news articles). Google also allows its users to search by date or category. Delicious' bookmarks seemed fairly random and in no particular order.

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