Monday, April 23, 2012

How Have Blogs Changed the Way in which We Share Information?

The Emergence of the Blog
Blogs have revolutionized the way in which we share information in today’s world.  No longer are we dependent on time-restricted and strictly controlled, reviewed and regulated newspapers, news broadcasts and magazines as a means to share information and spread the word among others.  As citizens of the “information age,” we now look to blogs as affordable, fast, easy and relevant tools to access and share information.  Although they initially emerged as virtual diaries depicting individual users’ personal stories and accounts of their daily lives, blogs have now evolved into digital arenas or forums, wherein individuals can share news, express their opinions on hot topics, communicate about political issues, or laugh about the latest celebrity gossip.  Thus, the blog has become the new “it” tool in the technological world. As a result of the power of the blog, everyone with Internet access has the ability to publish information and access information that is current, relevant to their needs, and interconnected seamlessly with other relevant topics.  In addition, the popularity of the blog has given way to the rise of a community of like-minded individuals with similar interests, and has transformed the way in which businesses share information within their corporate walls as well as with their external clients and customers.

The Power to Publish Information
            The development of the blog has allowed any individual with Internet access the ability to publish information. Unlike traditional authors who must acquire publishers to support their writings and produce their books for a mass market, bloggers can simply create a blog, choose to make their blog posts public, and then broadcast their thoughts to a global audience.  Most blog services are free (i.e. Google’s Blogger) and many require little to no technological knowledge to create and publish a posting.  With the ability to comment on a wide array of issues and events with just a few keystrokes, bloggers truly have obtained a strong presence and voice on a worldwide forum.  Bloggers have the power to manipulate information in any way they see fit and then present it to their audiences. Thus, the blog has truly become a new form of an information outlet, allowing individuals the freedom to share news and express opinions as they see fit.

The Currency of Information
            The very nature of the blog has tremendously impacted readers’ perceptions regarding the currency of information presented.  Often appearing in reverse chronological order, blog posts convey a sense of immediacy to blog readers.  Blog readers are able to see exactly when the blogger wrote the entry (most are written in “real time”), and can therefore weigh the credibility and reliability of the information contained in the post with the knowledge of the event or topic.  Furthermore, most blogs are constantly updated, providing blog readers with current, up-to-date information by the minute as events unfold.  This may result in information spreading incredibly fast across the globe (depending upon the particular blog’s popularity and demographic appeal).  Raw, unmediated and democratic at their very core, blogs encourage readers to bring their own opinions and understandings to the conversation.  Readers can access the factual information presented in a blog, decide whether or not they agree with the blogger’s opinions regarding the event or topic, and then make their own voices heard via the comments section.  This cyclical process of receiving and contributing information enhances and advances the communication process.

The Relevance of Information
            In most cases, individuals who access specific blogs do so because they want more information about certain topics that they know those blogs will cover. Therefore, the posts within the blog will likely present extremely relevant information to the readers.  For example, individuals who frequent TMZ’s blog are likely seeking news and commentary on the latest entertainment news and celebrity happenings.  In contrast, individuals who visit Target’s blog are likely seeking news about the retail giant or its upcoming promotions.  Blogs ensure that the information being presented to the reader is highly relevant to the reader’s needs.  Individuals do not have to flip through several pages of a newspaper or magazine to find stories that they want to read; rather, they can simply search through the current postings of a blog that caters to their interests.

The Complimentary Visuals
            Aside from providing extremely relevant and timely information, blogs may also contain supplementary information such as video clips or pictures. Celebrity gossip blogs such as TMZ frequently use paparazzi photographs and videos to enhance the content on their blogs, to support their written points, and to provide visual evidence or explanations. Such complementary visuals and videos enhance the credibility of the blog and allow the blog reader the ability to form his or her own thoughts and opinions after viewing the material presented.

The Convenience of the Blog
In addition to being able to find current and relevant information on blogs, those who access information via blogs are also able to find related stories or additional commentaries via a blog’s related links, RSS feeds, or affiliations with other blogs.  Depending upon the type and nature of the blog, an individual may be able to access and read the top headlines of the day all in one location, and then use the affiliated links or RSS feeds within the blog to read more about a particular story.  In essence, blogs give readers the opportunity to search through a variety of content and then choose where they want to focus their attention.  Some blogs even allow readers to click on a button to share a story or post via Facebook, email, or their own Web site/blog.

The Creation of Virtual Communities
In catering to the specific interests of a group of readers, blogs often create virtual communities of users with similar interests.  My blog, for example, would likely appeal to those who are interested in music – particularly popular music. The readers/followers of my blog may establish virtual friendships or relationships with one another.  Those who comment regularly on my blog would likely grow to know one another’s likes and dislikes and forge smaller communities of like-minded individuals.  On an expansive level, an extremely popular blog focusing on politics, civil action, or calls for reform may even cultivate a large group of like-minded individuals who band together in an effort to be heard and to encourage change within their communities or even countries.  As we have seen in recent years, social media tools (including blogs) have given rise to a new generation of knowledgeable and politically-aware activists who have the unique ability to organize and broadcast their messages over the Internet.

The Reliability of the Information
Although blogs present many advantages to users with regard to the availability, currency, and relevance of information, they also present one key disadvantage: a blog may not be the most reliable source of information.  Most blogs are unmonitored by nature; thus, it may prove difficult for an individual to discern whether the information presented within a blog is credible or not. Blogs that do not include links to their primary sources of information are extremely vulnerable to attacks on their credibility. While the ability to leave feedback on a blog may enhance the credibility of a blogger’s postings, readers of blogs must remain aware that the information in a blog may not have been verified by an expert in the field or a credible source.

Blogs in the Corporate World
Aside from their personal usage, blogs have also exploded in popularity within the corporate world. More and more companies are choosing to use blogs both internally and externally as a means to share information with their employees and the public. Corporations may adopt internal blogs to enhance communication among staff members, or even across departments.  The possibilities for internal use of a blog are many and varied. Companies may use blogs as virtual storage lockers of company resources and information, as newsletters, bulletin boards, discussion forums, or as a means for internal collaboration.
Likewise, companies may utilize external blogs as a means to give a “human voice” to the company name.  An external corporate blog promotes transparency and gives the public an “inside look” into a company. Corporations may use external blogs as information tools, designed to inform and persuade potential customers and clients or as public relations tools, designed to market the company and its upcoming initiatives (i.e. a company could post an idea or introduce a new product in development to receive instantaneous feedback before production starts), to respond to any critics via comments/feedback, or to establish a relationship with its consumer base.  An external corporate blog also identifies the company as engaging, forward-looking and authentic.  Corporations that frequently update their blogs will likely see a boost in their company’s search rankings and enhanced visibility within the virtual market.

The way in which we access and share information has truly transformed as a result of the creation and the extreme popularity of blogs.  Blogs have shifted the power of broadcasting information from a few select industries to a large, global industry (the Internet), thereby giving individuals the authority to manipulate and disseminate information to a wide audience as they see fit.  One may even argue that blogs have allowed individuals to become better informed about current events or news stories, and more knowledgeable about corporate initiatives. The unique role of the blog as both a source of information and a social media tool has truly helped to cultivate a new generation of media-savvy and technologically-inclined individuals, who recognize the importance of timely and pertinent information in today’s society.  


Monday, April 16, 2012

Review: Kris Allen's Single "The Vision of Love"

Some of you may remember Kris Allen as the season eight winner of American Idol: the shy, unassuming boy-next-door with a guitar who shocked everyone when he beat the judges' favorite, Adam Lambert. Allen's 2008 debut album did fairly well and his first single "Live Like We're Dying" spent a brief period on both the Top 40 charts and the Christian charts.

We haven't heard from him in awhile, but now Allen's back with his new single, "The Vision of Love." The song, co-written by Allen, is full of musical traits we tend to associate with Allen's music: soulful vocals, soft piano and guitar accompaniment, and passionate, yet tender falsettos. When he sings about being a friend to the lonely ("Lonely/needs a friend/ask him where he's been...") or offering a compliment to the insecure ("Come on someone tell this girl she's beautiful"), we believe him and we want to do as he suggests. That, my readers, is one of the true definitions of a singer/songwriter.

Check out the video for "The Vision of Love" below and let me know what you think. The single is available for download via Amazon now, and the entire album, "Thank You, Camelia" (an ode to his street address) drops May 22nd.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

My Current Top Faves

Just a short little video showing some of my favorite musical artists today. Video created at Animoto.

Calling All CD Hoarders!

In the age of digital music, what should people do with all of their old or outdated compact discs (CDs)? Sell them to Amazon, of course!

Amazon has recently announced a new buy-back/trade-in program in which Amazon clients can sell their CDs to Amazon in return for a credit on their Amazon accounts. Clients simply choose which CDs they would like to sell, print shipping labels from Amazon, and then mail them off to the company. Employees at Amazon then review the CDs and categorize them as either 1.) "Like New" or 2.) "Good."

Like New: Perfect condition, no scratches or marks, original cover and artwork

Good: May have a few light scratches, but still plays fine

The credit that Amazon gives does not strictly apply to music; customers are welcome to purchase anything that the online giant offers with their credits.

But don't start eyeing that new Macbook or widescreen HD television just yet!

The credit amounts are relatively low (much lower than the cost of a new CD or digital album) and depend upon the popularily of the artist, the release date, the condition of the CD, and the number of inventory already in stock. Individuals can expect to receive approximately two to three dollars for newer popular artists such as Adele (retailed at $9.99), and approximately eleven dollars for harder to find box sets such as the Beatles (retailed at $179).

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

RSS Feeds

The RSS "Subscribe" Button

What is an RSS?
Have you ever seen a news ticker scrolling across the bottom of your television screen as you watched a local news channel, CNN, or even MTV? If so, you’ve seen an extremely basic version of a feed. In a feed, brief summary statements about a recent event or hot topic scroll across screens, providing the most up-to-date information in a succinct manner to a variety of outlets or individuals. 
What, then, is an RSS Feed?
An RSS, an acronym for “Really Simple Syndication” is “a popular type of Web feed for syndicating frequently updated Web content” (Shelly & Frydenberg, 2011, p. 80). In most forms, an RSS feed includes a brief summary of new or recently updated stories or topics (usually in the form of a link that will take the individual to the feed’s home site), as well as information related to the source (typically a blog or Web site) and the publication date (Shelly & Frydenberg, 2011, p. 80). In short, an RSS feed provides automated information to individuals on the Web, thereby saving individuals time and effort as they no longer have to check multiple sites for updates (Shelly & Frydenberg, 2011, p. 81). Rather, individuals can easily and quickly access short summaries from RSS feeds via Web-Based feed readers (such as Google Reader) or client feed readers (such as FeedDemon and FeedReader). Individuals select which RSS feeds they wish to subscribe to, thereby tailoring their feeds to their interests and preferences. They also retain control over their feeds, as they may unsubscribe from feeds at any time. 

What is the history of RSS?
The roots of RSS can be traced back to the creation of Resource Description Framework (RDF) in 1997 by Ramanathan V. Guha. RDF referred to a markup language that could be utilized to store metadata (“History of RSS”). Employing some of the same technology and concepts of RDF, Netscape created a RSS standard in 1999 and named it RSS version 0.90 (“History of RSS”). Netscape’s goal was to use an XML (eXtensible markup language) format in order to distribute news and information (“History of RSS”). Although numerous Netscape employees offered subsequent updates to version 0.90, Netscape halted their involvement in RSS development soon after, emphasizing that the technology had grown “too complicated” for their purposes (“History of RSS”). Userland Software then took control of the RSS technology, first releasing a non-compatible version (Version 1.0) and then releasing a compatible version known as RSS version 2.0 (“History of RSS”). The RSS standard was then donated to a “non-commercial third party,” Harvard Law School, in an effort to achieve universal endorsement. The Creative Commons license allows for the customization and usage of the RSS standard (“History of RSS”).  

What are the uses of RSS?
The uses of RSS are many and varied. At the core of all RSS feeds is the need to share new or recently updated information. RSS feeds can be used to share news stories, hot topics, or important events (i.e. CNN). They can also be used to share celebrity gossip and entertainment news (i.e. MTV and TMZ). employs RSS feeds to keep job searchers up-to-date on the most recent additions to the job market. EBay uses RSS feeds to notify individuals about daily deals, while Amazon uses RSS feeds to keep individuals abreast of recent bestsellers. RSS feeds on Flickr show individuals the most recent pictures uploaded by a Flickr member and friend, while one of Google’s RSS feeds lets individuals subscribe in order to obtain new or recently updated search result listings for specific queries.
The possibilities of use are virtually endless! 

How important are they as a means of disseminating information?
An RSS feed is an incredibly important tool to disseminate information in the virtual world. RSS feeds allow individuals or companies the ability to publicize information quickly, succinctly, and efficiently, thereby reaching a wide range of people with only minimal effort. 
In addition, RSS feeds prevent the possibility of information overload. RSS feeds give individuals the opportunity to browse through information and then choose which stories they want to read. 
How are they used as a business tool?
RSS feeds can have positive effects within an organization. Let’s first look at the advantages for businesses that employ their own RSS feeds. Corporate RSS feeds allow companies the ability to disseminate information to a variety of individuals quickly and effortlessly in a matter of minutes. They also positively impact a corporate’s marketing and public relations efforts in that they can potentially increase traffic to a parent company’s site, while ensuring that the individuals who view the company’s site are truly interested in the company and its proceedings. 
However, companies can also subscribe to their competitors’ RSS feeds in order to gain a competitive advantage in the market. Subscribing to a competitor’s feed allows business executives to monitor their competitors’ efforts and recent ventures, to track news and developments within the industry, and to follow stocks and investments. 

Can you share some examples?

Absolutely! Check out the two RSS feeds at the bottom of my page. 
Shelly, G. & Frydenberg, M. Web 2.0: Concepts and applications. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. 

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Meebo Instant Messenger: A New Way to Chat Online!

Meebo's Interface

What is Meebo?
Meebo Instant Messenger is a web-based instant messaging (IM) application that allows users to chat with their friends, or “buddies,” on virtually any IM network through one fully capable and customizable “web-based interface.” 
Meebo Messenger allows users to chat with friends on a variety of IM networks including: Yahoo!, AIM, Windows Live Messenger, Facebook, MySpace, Google Talk, and Jabber. Unlike its client IM counterparts, Meebo does not require its users to download any type of software, which allows for convenience and ease of use. Therefore, Meebo users who have access to a computer with an internet connection can easily login to Meebo, bring up their buddy lists, and start conversations with friends. 
Setting up a Meebo account is relatively simple, fast, and free of charge! First, a new user must go to and sign on to a supported IM network. Meebo Messenger will then open and prompt the user to sign into his or her account, thereby opening the Meebo Messenger Interface. Next, the user must add his or her existing IM accounts (keeping in mind that he or she must enter an appropriate username and password for each IM account) in an effort to establish connection between all instant messaging services. 
It’s as easy as that!
What Features Does Meebo Offer?

The most obvious feature that Meebo offers is that it enables its users to connect to a variety of instant messaging applications on a simple web page interface. This interface resembles a computer desktop with chat windows that can be easily moved, minimized, and resized. 
As far as chat capabilities go, instant messaging windows on Meebo let users set up buddy icons, determine whether or not they want to be available for chat, and include a brief message (similar to a Tweet) telling their friends what they are currently doing. Like most IM applications, Meebo allows users to turn sound notifications on or off. Meebo also includes capabilities for changing the font style, size, and color, inserting emoticons, viewing friends’ chat profiles, group chatting with friends using similar IM clients, and blocking friends. 
Instant messaging windows let users chat with friends, send files, play games, and even view their chat history. This unique feature allowing Meebo users to view their chat history is amazing! Meebo users can go back to previous conversations and search through previous dialogues regardless of the IM platform used. 
Meebo also lets its users customize the appearance of the background through either photographs or color selections. In addition, it allows users to choose to use its secure server (, which provides enhanced security and encryption capabilities. 

How Does Meebo Compare with Client IM Applications?

Meebo boasts many of the same features that its competitors use. Like client IM applications, Meebo allows users to customize their instant messaging experience through visual and auditory options. Also like their client IM counterparts, Meebo permits users to share files through chat windows, add and block friends, set up away messages, and group chat.
However, Meebo is unique in that it does not require users to download any type of software to use its application. It’s entirely web-based, making it much more convenient and universal across a variety of computers and networks. Instead of using multiple IM applications to chat with friends who each use different services, Meebo users can now utilize one application and interface to chat with all of their friends. 
Meebo is also distinct in that it allows for secure chatting on a mobile device. Meebo Messenger applications are free on the iPhone, iPod touch, and Android. Those who do not have such mobile devices can simply enter Meebo’s URL into their web browsers to use the IM feature. In addition, Meebo’s widget allows users to install an instant messaging box on their blogs or web pages, allowing visitors to send them an instant message quickly and without leaving their site. 
Advantages of a Web-Based Instant Messaging Application (such as Meebo)

  • It’s extremely convenient and easy to use. You only need a computer and an internet connection to use Meebo. 
  • Minimal setup is required. 
  • Meebo supports a variety of client-based IM applications including Yahoo!, Google Talk, AIM, etc.
  • Chatting can begin immediately if you know your friend’s user name. No invitations are required to chat!
  • An optional Meebo notifier for the desktop can tell you when a friend signs on or when you have a new message.
  • An enhanced security option allowing for encryption of messages and account information gives most users peace of mind when using Meebo. 
  • Users do not have to worry about firewalls or security settings which may negatively impact the functionality of client IM applications.


Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Chances are that you have seen a pictorial image featuring written words online before, but you may not have realized what it was at the time. These images, or "word clouds" as they are better known, are created through mashup applications such as Wordle, a free online application that forms world clouds based on the frequency of words in the specified text.

Wordle allows individuals to create word clouds through various methods. An individual may simply paste text into a text box to create a word cloud. An individual may also choose to enter the URL of a blog or any web page that utilizes RSS feeds, or a Delicious user name to see a visual representation of the tags used. Users can then choose to manipulate the style, size and color of the font to create a more personalized image.

Here is an example of a word cloud that I created by simply pasting text into the provided text box. This Wordle is based on a paper comparing the popular search engines Google, Yahoo! and Bing.

Clearly, you can see that the most common words I utilized throughout the paper were "search," "Google," "Yahoo!" "users," "results" and "Bing."

Here is an example of a Wordle based on my blog.

Since my blog is based primarily on music, it makes sense that some of my most common words are "music" and "songs." However, as the Wordle makes exceptionally clear, I may want to find some more synonyms for "think." 

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Review: Hunger Games Soundtrack

Soundtrack from The Hunger Games

Suzanne Collins' The Hunger Games has become a phenomenon during the past three years, prompting a cult-like following similar to the Twilight series. This past weekend, the long-awaited film hit theaters, spurring the release of the film's soundtrack: The Hunger Games: Songs from District 12 and Beyond.

The books, themselves, are packed full of energy, excitement, and suspense, but the overall mood of the novels is one of despair, hopelessness, longing, and melancholy. So how does the soundtrack compare?
It captures the mood and atmosphere of the novels brilliantly, seamlessly weaving somber music with soulful and somewhat folksy vocals.

With a host of award-winning artists including Taylor Swift, Maroon 5, and the Civil Wars, the soundtrack effortlessly blends story with music. 

This reviewer's favorite picks? Safe and Sound and Eyes Open - both by the country artist Taylor Swift (of whom I am not usually a fan). Swift's soulful and vulnerable rendering of the songs captures the spirit, strength and tireless resolve of Katniss Everdeen (the main character in the series). 

Check out Swift's Safe and Sound below, and tell me what you think.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Overplayed Artists

I think everyone would agree that there are certain artists (no matter how talented) who are constantly overplayed on the radio. Every time I turn on a certain radio station, I hear the same songs over and over again. Certainly we have enough new music coming out of the industry to generate a bit more variety, do we not? And what happens to songs that were popular just a few months ago? Are they relegated to a dark abyss of "outdated" music, never to be seen (or heard in this case) again? Just who is demanding the constant replay of these songs? Record executives? Radio deejays? Radio listeners?

Let me know what you think and be sure to vote in the poll below!

Which singer or group is the most overplayed on radio?
Kelly Clarkson
Lady Gaga
Katy Perry
Nikki Minaj

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A Healthier Music Industry?

Does an increase in music sales the past two years indicate a comeback for the music industry? Market analysts think so! According to the Wallstreet Journal's Market Watch, a report by the NDP group has shown that the total number of CD buyers has increased for the second consecutive year, growing 2% to 78 million in 2011.

Analysts have a number of theories for the increase. The first theory is that the increased and enhanced availability of music (via mobile devices, ITunes, YouTube, Pandora, general radio streaming, etc.) has given listeners more "ear-candy," allowing them to preview songs and encouraging them to shell out money in order to purchase their favorites.

The second theory is that the quality of pop music is getting better. Manufactured boybands and groups are pretty much history, replaced by a much more divergent and talented pool of vocalists such as Adele and Katy Perry, who have broadened the audience for popular music and given people something to talk about.

Perhaps the most interesting theory used to explain the phenomenon is the decrease in digital piracy. Public and private crackdowns on the illegal copying and distribution of music has definitely played a major role in bolstering the economic growth of the music industry during the past two years. With file-sharing sites such as Mega Upload closing, music lovers are now being "forced" to purchase their favorite songs legally through ITunes, Amazon, and traditional, physical stores.

Check out this article for more information regarding the upward trend and be sure to let me know what you think about the growth in the market. Do you have your own theory?

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Sonisphere: Queen with Adam Lambert!

Anyone planning to be in Europe July 6th - July 8th? Adam Lambert is lending his amazing vocal talent as a temporary front man for Queen at the Sonisephere Festival! Freddie Mercury would be so proud.

If I had the financial means necessary, I would be front row, center at the show. It's going to be insane.

Evolving Musical Tastes

As a child of the late 80s and 90s, I grew up with the pop boybands. New Kids on the Block, Backstreet Boys, NSYNC, 98 Degrees, O-Town, the list goes on and on...

At the time, I absolutely adored these all-male groups. Cute guys who could sing and dance at the same time? Can we say talented?

Now, as a twenty-something with "more grown up" and expansive musical interests, I've come to appreciate bands and singers that not only sing live, but that play their own instruments as well. Yes, dancing is wonderful and those that do it well are talented, but there is a fine line between a musical performer and a musical artist.

Britney Spears
Would I consider Britney Spears an artist? No.

Chris Brown? No.

David Cook? Yes.

Adele? Yes.

There's just something about playing an instrument and/or singing live that gives an artist more credibility as a true entertainer. There are some artists who have amazing vocal abilities and who do not necessarily need to play musical instruments, as long as their voices remain solid and brilliant on stage. For some select artists, their voice alone may be their musical instrument. Other artists benefit from playing guitars or pianos as they interpret the music and engage the audience to "feel" the performance. When they are passionate about the music, we are too.

In today's day and age, musical artisty is severely underappreciated. We tend to applaud the glamorous performances or jaw-dropping choreography more than we do the vocal and instrumental talent. We need to recognize what true musical talent entails and which celebrities have it.

Allison Iraheta

Kris Allen

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Computer Security

What is computer security and how can you ensure security of your computer and data contained in it? 

Computer security refers to the protection of individual computers and the information contained on them in an effort to safeguard data from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, destruction, modification, or disruption (Mutula & Wamukoya, 2007, p. 293). Such threats to computer security often come in the form of Malware or disruptive, "hacker" programs including viruses, worms, spyware and "scareware" - all of which cause direct harm to one's computer and, quite possibly, harm to outside computers as the infection spreads through downloads, networks, etc.

Computers have become virtually indispensable in today's world. Business purposes aside, we use our home computers for everything: banking, shopping, scheduling, communicating, filing taxes, playing games, watching movies...the list is never-ending. We have become extremely dependent on computers and their abilities to carry out daily tasks. As a result, we must make every effort possible to protect our computers and the important data they contain.

Several computer analysts argue that computer security should focus on three key areas: confidentiality, integrity, and authentication. Users can take precautions and protect the data on their computers by practicing the following tips:

  1. Use anti-virus software: All computer users should install some sort of anti-virus software on their computers (the more popular types include Norton AntiVirus and McAfee). However, individuals should not stop there. They must actively ensure that their anti-virus software is up-to-date and should schedule weekly scans of their hard drives to ensure data protection.
  2. Install firewalls: Ensuring that your computer has a firewall established and running will help protect your data from hackers looking to crash your computer or steal your personal information. 
  3. Use anti-spyware software: Like computer viruses, spyware poses a tremendous threat to the security of data contained on a computer. Some types of spyware are designed to collect personal information from the unknowing computer user, while others are designed to infiltrate individuals' computers with annoying pop-up advertisements.
  4. Download responsibly: Computer users should never download files or media from suspicious websites or unfamiliar senders. This includes email! 
  5. Create clever passwords and keep them confidential: Never share your password with another person. Use a unique combination of letters, numbers, and symbols that will be difficult for others to guess. Change your password often and remain aware of email scams that ask you for your secure password to a particular site.

Computer security is a very real issue in today's society that could potentially cripple society if left unmonitored. Adhering to the tips above will help individuals computer users protect the security of their personal data, and ensure that confidential information does not fall into the wrong hands.

For more information regarding computer security, please visit:

Also, check out the video below:

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Auto-Tune: Why It's Hurting the Music Industry

Before the late 1990s, an average music listener could typically judge a good singer from a bad singer in a matter of minutes. A good singer could hit those far reaching high notes and remain in tune throughout the entire course of the song. A good singer was regarded as an extremely talented and/or well trained vocalist. In contrast, a bad singer would have a cracking or straining voice or remain hopelessly out of tune or off pitch throughout a song.

Now the lines are blurred.


It all comes down to a single technological invention known commonly as Auto-Tune. Developed in 1996 by Andy Hildebrand, Auto-Tune was once a "trade secret" that producers would utilize in extreme circumstances to correct a few notes here and there, thereby saving time and money by not having to redo studio sessions.

Now, singers and producers virtually abuse Auto-Tune, using it daily to ensure that vocals remain on perfect pitch, rhythm and tone throughout the course of the song. Even more outrageous is the use of Auto-Tune by non-vocalists (i.e. Kim's Zolziak's performance of Tardy for the Party or Kesha's electro-pop remixes).

Can anyone now become a singer? Does vocal talent no longer come in to play? How do we define real musical talent from automated, technically-enhanced "talent?" Is the music industry losing its credibility?

Check out Time's revealing 2009 article Auto-Tune: Why Pop Music Sounds Perfect and let me know what you think!


Monday, February 20, 2012

Amazing Collaboration: Queen and Adam Lambert

Aside from Journey's music, Queen's music was the soundtrack of my childhood. I remember my father wearing out their records at every opportunity. Imagine my surprise (and delight!) when I got to see one of my favorite singers, Adam Lambert (who has been compared to Freddie Mercury), perform with Queen on the European Music Awards. A vocal collaboration made in heaven!

Take a look at the performance below. Will they rock you?

Yes. Yes they will.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Digital Literacy

How does digital literacy help a person in society?

For decades, school systems and governmental agencies alike have stressed the importance of literacy to an individual's development and level of functionality within present society. An individual who is illiterate is typically thought of as being at a disadvantage in society. Without the ability to read and/or write, how can a person establish himself/herself in society, maintain a professional career, remain aware of important current events, or seek to foster change or development within existing societal structures?

While traditional literary remains an issue today, an even bigger issue in present society is the notion of digital literacy. Fairly recent technological innovations such as the Internet and the World Wide Web have made digital literacy the new hot topic of discussion. According to Stephen M. Mutula and Justus M. Wamukoya (2007), digital literacy "refers to the ability to use internet-dependent applications and non-internet-dependent applications" (p. 90). Moreover, digital literacy refers to the ability to use and understand technological innovations that are designed to access information and communicate and interact within a virtual environment (Mutula & Wamukoya, 2007, p. 90).

Individuals who are digitally literate are able to search for and retrieve information, socially communicate with others in a Web-based environment, and utilize and understand software applications such as Microsoft Office.

These individuals hold several important advantages over those who are not digitally literate:
  1. They are able to access information from all over the world quickly and efficiently. This important attribute enables individuals to become well-informed citizens, who are knowledgable of current affairs and who can communicate about current events.
  2. They are able to strengthen their communication skills and advance their levels of social interaction. Individuals who are digitally literate are able to communicate effectively with one another in virtual environments such as forums, email, chatrooms, etc, broadening their worldviews and enhancing their social, cognitive and reasoning skills.
  3. They are more marketable in society. Those who are digitally literate are more likely to perform well in the education and job markets. Computers and technology skills are now a prominent part of the learning experience from kindergarten through college. Individuals who learn how to manipulate and work with digital technology from an early age are far more likely to become successful workers in the corporate environment. Most companies require their employees to have some level of computer knowledge, as most occupations require the use of computers and their associated software and hardware components. Companies rely on economic income to sustain their growth and the growth of the nation's economy is firmly linked with the growth of the nation's digitally literacy. The more digitally literate and competitive we are as a nation, the more opportunities we have to foster worldwide corporate partnerships and grow our economy.
  4. They develop higher-level thinking and reasoning skills. Those who are familiar with technology and the digital world are more likely to develop higher-level reasoning and problem-solving skills, enabling them to become more effective members of society.

For more information regarding digital literacy, please visit:

ICT Digital Literacy

Work Cited:

Mutula, S. M. & Wamukoya, J. M. (2007). Web information management: A cross-disciplinary textbook. Oxford: Chandos Publishing.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The 2012 Grammys: Highs and Lows

I think that most would agree that the Grammys live broadcast each year is either a HIT or a MISS. Sometimes the show reflects the year's best musical talents and the live performances live up to the hype. Other times, the show seems to cater to a few select musicians (some of whom the audience has never even heard of) and the performances fall horribly flat.

So where did this year's Grammys rate? In my opinion, somewhere between HIT and MISS. Let's agree to call it a HISS, shall we?

The Highs:
  • Jennifer Hudson's moving tribute to Whitney Houston
  • Adele's powerful rendition of her hit Rolling in the Deep and her sweep of several Grammy awards
  • Kelly Clarkson's strong assertion of feminine strength and confidence in What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger

Hudson performing Houston's I Will Always Love You

The Lows:
  • Nicki Minaj - from Red Carpet  to Grammy stage. Seriously...what was that debacle?
  • Katy Perry's less-than-stellar performance against the backdrop of muscled men and shooting flames
  • Lady Gaga's outfit (but I'll get her a bit of a break here because is it even possible to top a dress made entirely of meat, or a human-size egg?)

Hail Lady Gaga?

Nicki Minaj performing - We held our ears, too!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Goodbye, Whitney Houston...

The world lost an amazing voice yesterday. Despite all of her hardship and struggles, Whitney Houston defined the 1980s and 1990s with her strong, soulful, and pure vocal talent. She will forever be missed.

Let's take a second to remember one of her greatest hits, I Will Always Love You from The Bodyguard.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Cover Songs Done Well: Lisa Scinta

Have you ever heard of Lisa Scinta? She's an undiscovered singer with numerous videos on Youtube, in which she performs acoustic versions of popular songs (mostly in her bathroom!). Her voice is absolutely amazing and it's only a matter of time before some big record producer catches on to her talent and signs her as a professional recording artist.

Here is one of my all-time favorite covers of Lisa's - Lisa performing Eminem and Rihanna's Love the Way You Lie.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Google Search vs. Delicious Seach

Admittedly, whenever I need to search for new articles, pictures, current events, etc., my fingers automatically type in the same six same letters: G-O-O-G-L-E.

Google has been my standby search engine for as long as I can remember. Its popularity has even made it into a cool new verb (i.e. "Let's google it!"). Can you imagine doing the same for an alternative search engine such as Delicious,which consists of social bookmarking sites. "Let's delicious it!" just does not have the same kind of feeling.

Let's compare the two. Say we were searching for sites and articles related to Madonna's performance at the Superbowl. We would thus enter Madonna AND Superbowl into each respective search engine. This is what we would find.

- Google returned a total of 437,000,00 results.

- Delicious returned a total of 125 results.

- Comparing the results on the first page of each search engine, none of them were identical.

- I would argue that, in this case, the results that Google returned seemed to be more reliable and more useful. Google returned a variety of results including news articles, videos, and reviews. Delicious, on the other hand, returned more opinionated types of results including blogs, Twitter tweets, and photos.

-I would also argue that, in this case, Google's results seemed to be more current (at least on the first couple of pages which included timely news articles). Google also allows its users to search by date or category. Delicious' bookmarks seemed fairly random and in no particular order.