Monday, April 23, 2012

How Have Blogs Changed the Way in which We Share Information?

The Emergence of the Blog
Blogs have revolutionized the way in which we share information in today’s world.  No longer are we dependent on time-restricted and strictly controlled, reviewed and regulated newspapers, news broadcasts and magazines as a means to share information and spread the word among others.  As citizens of the “information age,” we now look to blogs as affordable, fast, easy and relevant tools to access and share information.  Although they initially emerged as virtual diaries depicting individual users’ personal stories and accounts of their daily lives, blogs have now evolved into digital arenas or forums, wherein individuals can share news, express their opinions on hot topics, communicate about political issues, or laugh about the latest celebrity gossip.  Thus, the blog has become the new “it” tool in the technological world. As a result of the power of the blog, everyone with Internet access has the ability to publish information and access information that is current, relevant to their needs, and interconnected seamlessly with other relevant topics.  In addition, the popularity of the blog has given way to the rise of a community of like-minded individuals with similar interests, and has transformed the way in which businesses share information within their corporate walls as well as with their external clients and customers.

The Power to Publish Information
            The development of the blog has allowed any individual with Internet access the ability to publish information. Unlike traditional authors who must acquire publishers to support their writings and produce their books for a mass market, bloggers can simply create a blog, choose to make their blog posts public, and then broadcast their thoughts to a global audience.  Most blog services are free (i.e. Google’s Blogger) and many require little to no technological knowledge to create and publish a posting.  With the ability to comment on a wide array of issues and events with just a few keystrokes, bloggers truly have obtained a strong presence and voice on a worldwide forum.  Bloggers have the power to manipulate information in any way they see fit and then present it to their audiences. Thus, the blog has truly become a new form of an information outlet, allowing individuals the freedom to share news and express opinions as they see fit.

The Currency of Information
            The very nature of the blog has tremendously impacted readers’ perceptions regarding the currency of information presented.  Often appearing in reverse chronological order, blog posts convey a sense of immediacy to blog readers.  Blog readers are able to see exactly when the blogger wrote the entry (most are written in “real time”), and can therefore weigh the credibility and reliability of the information contained in the post with the knowledge of the event or topic.  Furthermore, most blogs are constantly updated, providing blog readers with current, up-to-date information by the minute as events unfold.  This may result in information spreading incredibly fast across the globe (depending upon the particular blog’s popularity and demographic appeal).  Raw, unmediated and democratic at their very core, blogs encourage readers to bring their own opinions and understandings to the conversation.  Readers can access the factual information presented in a blog, decide whether or not they agree with the blogger’s opinions regarding the event or topic, and then make their own voices heard via the comments section.  This cyclical process of receiving and contributing information enhances and advances the communication process.

The Relevance of Information
            In most cases, individuals who access specific blogs do so because they want more information about certain topics that they know those blogs will cover. Therefore, the posts within the blog will likely present extremely relevant information to the readers.  For example, individuals who frequent TMZ’s blog are likely seeking news and commentary on the latest entertainment news and celebrity happenings.  In contrast, individuals who visit Target’s blog are likely seeking news about the retail giant or its upcoming promotions.  Blogs ensure that the information being presented to the reader is highly relevant to the reader’s needs.  Individuals do not have to flip through several pages of a newspaper or magazine to find stories that they want to read; rather, they can simply search through the current postings of a blog that caters to their interests.

The Complimentary Visuals
            Aside from providing extremely relevant and timely information, blogs may also contain supplementary information such as video clips or pictures. Celebrity gossip blogs such as TMZ frequently use paparazzi photographs and videos to enhance the content on their blogs, to support their written points, and to provide visual evidence or explanations. Such complementary visuals and videos enhance the credibility of the blog and allow the blog reader the ability to form his or her own thoughts and opinions after viewing the material presented.

The Convenience of the Blog
In addition to being able to find current and relevant information on blogs, those who access information via blogs are also able to find related stories or additional commentaries via a blog’s related links, RSS feeds, or affiliations with other blogs.  Depending upon the type and nature of the blog, an individual may be able to access and read the top headlines of the day all in one location, and then use the affiliated links or RSS feeds within the blog to read more about a particular story.  In essence, blogs give readers the opportunity to search through a variety of content and then choose where they want to focus their attention.  Some blogs even allow readers to click on a button to share a story or post via Facebook, email, or their own Web site/blog.

The Creation of Virtual Communities
In catering to the specific interests of a group of readers, blogs often create virtual communities of users with similar interests.  My blog, for example, would likely appeal to those who are interested in music – particularly popular music. The readers/followers of my blog may establish virtual friendships or relationships with one another.  Those who comment regularly on my blog would likely grow to know one another’s likes and dislikes and forge smaller communities of like-minded individuals.  On an expansive level, an extremely popular blog focusing on politics, civil action, or calls for reform may even cultivate a large group of like-minded individuals who band together in an effort to be heard and to encourage change within their communities or even countries.  As we have seen in recent years, social media tools (including blogs) have given rise to a new generation of knowledgeable and politically-aware activists who have the unique ability to organize and broadcast their messages over the Internet.

The Reliability of the Information
Although blogs present many advantages to users with regard to the availability, currency, and relevance of information, they also present one key disadvantage: a blog may not be the most reliable source of information.  Most blogs are unmonitored by nature; thus, it may prove difficult for an individual to discern whether the information presented within a blog is credible or not. Blogs that do not include links to their primary sources of information are extremely vulnerable to attacks on their credibility. While the ability to leave feedback on a blog may enhance the credibility of a blogger’s postings, readers of blogs must remain aware that the information in a blog may not have been verified by an expert in the field or a credible source.

Blogs in the Corporate World
Aside from their personal usage, blogs have also exploded in popularity within the corporate world. More and more companies are choosing to use blogs both internally and externally as a means to share information with their employees and the public. Corporations may adopt internal blogs to enhance communication among staff members, or even across departments.  The possibilities for internal use of a blog are many and varied. Companies may use blogs as virtual storage lockers of company resources and information, as newsletters, bulletin boards, discussion forums, or as a means for internal collaboration.
Likewise, companies may utilize external blogs as a means to give a “human voice” to the company name.  An external corporate blog promotes transparency and gives the public an “inside look” into a company. Corporations may use external blogs as information tools, designed to inform and persuade potential customers and clients or as public relations tools, designed to market the company and its upcoming initiatives (i.e. a company could post an idea or introduce a new product in development to receive instantaneous feedback before production starts), to respond to any critics via comments/feedback, or to establish a relationship with its consumer base.  An external corporate blog also identifies the company as engaging, forward-looking and authentic.  Corporations that frequently update their blogs will likely see a boost in their company’s search rankings and enhanced visibility within the virtual market.

The way in which we access and share information has truly transformed as a result of the creation and the extreme popularity of blogs.  Blogs have shifted the power of broadcasting information from a few select industries to a large, global industry (the Internet), thereby giving individuals the authority to manipulate and disseminate information to a wide audience as they see fit.  One may even argue that blogs have allowed individuals to become better informed about current events or news stories, and more knowledgeable about corporate initiatives. The unique role of the blog as both a source of information and a social media tool has truly helped to cultivate a new generation of media-savvy and technologically-inclined individuals, who recognize the importance of timely and pertinent information in today’s society.  


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