Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Overplayed Artists

I think everyone would agree that there are certain artists (no matter how talented) who are constantly overplayed on the radio. Every time I turn on a certain radio station, I hear the same songs over and over again. Certainly we have enough new music coming out of the industry to generate a bit more variety, do we not? And what happens to songs that were popular just a few months ago? Are they relegated to a dark abyss of "outdated" music, never to be seen (or heard in this case) again? Just who is demanding the constant replay of these songs? Record executives? Radio deejays? Radio listeners?

Let me know what you think and be sure to vote in the poll below!

Which singer or group is the most overplayed on radio?
Kelly Clarkson
Lady Gaga
Katy Perry
Nikki Minaj

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