Saturday, March 31, 2012

Meebo Instant Messenger: A New Way to Chat Online!

Meebo's Interface

What is Meebo?
Meebo Instant Messenger is a web-based instant messaging (IM) application that allows users to chat with their friends, or “buddies,” on virtually any IM network through one fully capable and customizable “web-based interface.” 
Meebo Messenger allows users to chat with friends on a variety of IM networks including: Yahoo!, AIM, Windows Live Messenger, Facebook, MySpace, Google Talk, and Jabber. Unlike its client IM counterparts, Meebo does not require its users to download any type of software, which allows for convenience and ease of use. Therefore, Meebo users who have access to a computer with an internet connection can easily login to Meebo, bring up their buddy lists, and start conversations with friends. 
Setting up a Meebo account is relatively simple, fast, and free of charge! First, a new user must go to and sign on to a supported IM network. Meebo Messenger will then open and prompt the user to sign into his or her account, thereby opening the Meebo Messenger Interface. Next, the user must add his or her existing IM accounts (keeping in mind that he or she must enter an appropriate username and password for each IM account) in an effort to establish connection between all instant messaging services. 
It’s as easy as that!
What Features Does Meebo Offer?

The most obvious feature that Meebo offers is that it enables its users to connect to a variety of instant messaging applications on a simple web page interface. This interface resembles a computer desktop with chat windows that can be easily moved, minimized, and resized. 
As far as chat capabilities go, instant messaging windows on Meebo let users set up buddy icons, determine whether or not they want to be available for chat, and include a brief message (similar to a Tweet) telling their friends what they are currently doing. Like most IM applications, Meebo allows users to turn sound notifications on or off. Meebo also includes capabilities for changing the font style, size, and color, inserting emoticons, viewing friends’ chat profiles, group chatting with friends using similar IM clients, and blocking friends. 
Instant messaging windows let users chat with friends, send files, play games, and even view their chat history. This unique feature allowing Meebo users to view their chat history is amazing! Meebo users can go back to previous conversations and search through previous dialogues regardless of the IM platform used. 
Meebo also lets its users customize the appearance of the background through either photographs or color selections. In addition, it allows users to choose to use its secure server (, which provides enhanced security and encryption capabilities. 

How Does Meebo Compare with Client IM Applications?

Meebo boasts many of the same features that its competitors use. Like client IM applications, Meebo allows users to customize their instant messaging experience through visual and auditory options. Also like their client IM counterparts, Meebo permits users to share files through chat windows, add and block friends, set up away messages, and group chat.
However, Meebo is unique in that it does not require users to download any type of software to use its application. It’s entirely web-based, making it much more convenient and universal across a variety of computers and networks. Instead of using multiple IM applications to chat with friends who each use different services, Meebo users can now utilize one application and interface to chat with all of their friends. 
Meebo is also distinct in that it allows for secure chatting on a mobile device. Meebo Messenger applications are free on the iPhone, iPod touch, and Android. Those who do not have such mobile devices can simply enter Meebo’s URL into their web browsers to use the IM feature. In addition, Meebo’s widget allows users to install an instant messaging box on their blogs or web pages, allowing visitors to send them an instant message quickly and without leaving their site. 
Advantages of a Web-Based Instant Messaging Application (such as Meebo)

  • It’s extremely convenient and easy to use. You only need a computer and an internet connection to use Meebo. 
  • Minimal setup is required. 
  • Meebo supports a variety of client-based IM applications including Yahoo!, Google Talk, AIM, etc.
  • Chatting can begin immediately if you know your friend’s user name. No invitations are required to chat!
  • An optional Meebo notifier for the desktop can tell you when a friend signs on or when you have a new message.
  • An enhanced security option allowing for encryption of messages and account information gives most users peace of mind when using Meebo. 
  • Users do not have to worry about firewalls or security settings which may negatively impact the functionality of client IM applications.


Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Chances are that you have seen a pictorial image featuring written words online before, but you may not have realized what it was at the time. These images, or "word clouds" as they are better known, are created through mashup applications such as Wordle, a free online application that forms world clouds based on the frequency of words in the specified text.

Wordle allows individuals to create word clouds through various methods. An individual may simply paste text into a text box to create a word cloud. An individual may also choose to enter the URL of a blog or any web page that utilizes RSS feeds, or a Delicious user name to see a visual representation of the tags used. Users can then choose to manipulate the style, size and color of the font to create a more personalized image.

Here is an example of a word cloud that I created by simply pasting text into the provided text box. This Wordle is based on a paper comparing the popular search engines Google, Yahoo! and Bing.

Clearly, you can see that the most common words I utilized throughout the paper were "search," "Google," "Yahoo!" "users," "results" and "Bing."

Here is an example of a Wordle based on my blog.

Since my blog is based primarily on music, it makes sense that some of my most common words are "music" and "songs." However, as the Wordle makes exceptionally clear, I may want to find some more synonyms for "think." 

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Review: Hunger Games Soundtrack

Soundtrack from The Hunger Games

Suzanne Collins' The Hunger Games has become a phenomenon during the past three years, prompting a cult-like following similar to the Twilight series. This past weekend, the long-awaited film hit theaters, spurring the release of the film's soundtrack: The Hunger Games: Songs from District 12 and Beyond.

The books, themselves, are packed full of energy, excitement, and suspense, but the overall mood of the novels is one of despair, hopelessness, longing, and melancholy. So how does the soundtrack compare?
It captures the mood and atmosphere of the novels brilliantly, seamlessly weaving somber music with soulful and somewhat folksy vocals.

With a host of award-winning artists including Taylor Swift, Maroon 5, and the Civil Wars, the soundtrack effortlessly blends story with music. 

This reviewer's favorite picks? Safe and Sound and Eyes Open - both by the country artist Taylor Swift (of whom I am not usually a fan). Swift's soulful and vulnerable rendering of the songs captures the spirit, strength and tireless resolve of Katniss Everdeen (the main character in the series). 

Check out Swift's Safe and Sound below, and tell me what you think.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Overplayed Artists

I think everyone would agree that there are certain artists (no matter how talented) who are constantly overplayed on the radio. Every time I turn on a certain radio station, I hear the same songs over and over again. Certainly we have enough new music coming out of the industry to generate a bit more variety, do we not? And what happens to songs that were popular just a few months ago? Are they relegated to a dark abyss of "outdated" music, never to be seen (or heard in this case) again? Just who is demanding the constant replay of these songs? Record executives? Radio deejays? Radio listeners?

Let me know what you think and be sure to vote in the poll below!

Which singer or group is the most overplayed on radio?
Kelly Clarkson
Lady Gaga
Katy Perry
Nikki Minaj

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A Healthier Music Industry?

Does an increase in music sales the past two years indicate a comeback for the music industry? Market analysts think so! According to the Wallstreet Journal's Market Watch, a report by the NDP group has shown that the total number of CD buyers has increased for the second consecutive year, growing 2% to 78 million in 2011.

Analysts have a number of theories for the increase. The first theory is that the increased and enhanced availability of music (via mobile devices, ITunes, YouTube, Pandora, general radio streaming, etc.) has given listeners more "ear-candy," allowing them to preview songs and encouraging them to shell out money in order to purchase their favorites.

The second theory is that the quality of pop music is getting better. Manufactured boybands and groups are pretty much history, replaced by a much more divergent and talented pool of vocalists such as Adele and Katy Perry, who have broadened the audience for popular music and given people something to talk about.

Perhaps the most interesting theory used to explain the phenomenon is the decrease in digital piracy. Public and private crackdowns on the illegal copying and distribution of music has definitely played a major role in bolstering the economic growth of the music industry during the past two years. With file-sharing sites such as Mega Upload closing, music lovers are now being "forced" to purchase their favorite songs legally through ITunes, Amazon, and traditional, physical stores.

Check out this article for more information regarding the upward trend and be sure to let me know what you think about the growth in the market. Do you have your own theory?